saved query

  1. E9.2 P01012 Advanced Query Error

    Whenever I open P01012 I get the spinning wheel indicating that the page is trying to load but the wheel does not disappear. While this is happening I can open other programs and use them all as needed. When I close all programs and only P01012 remains that spinning wheel is gone and the form...
  2. TomAbbott

    Saved Query Control - FDA

    I have added a Saved Query control to the Supplier Ledger Inquiry screen, W0411A, and when I run a local web session I can't see it. I also can't find any helpful documentation on this. I'm running E9.2 on a Windows 10 workstation.
  3. Saved Query too slow

    Hi All, I have some trouble with functionality Saved Query in my custom application. When I use QBE for filtering records, it runs quickly. But when I use the functionality Saved Query to save the same query as I made via QBE, it tooks few minutes to get result. It looks like this functionality...