jde finance

  1. E9.1 CGI R744003 BIP XML template issue

    Hi! I am implementing the CGI functionality (Common Global Implementation ISO20022) in JDE 9.1.5. We installed the corresponding ESUs and set up the configuration for the processes. The object R744003 has associated a report definition RD744003 to the JDE standard version ZJDE0001, but it does...
  2. Withholding taxes for foreign vendors in Brazil

    I need to generate ISS, INSS, IR , PIS and COFINS taxes for foreign vendor using Brazil Localization. The Standard UBE R76B4310 and R04570 are used to create taxes for domestic vendors only. Any solution. Also can partial payments can be done for the same.
  3. Developing Loan Management System in JD Edwards E1

    Have anyone developed, modules/functionalities for handling the Loan Management Cycle for Lending Industry (includes Disbursing a loan and collecting installments against the same over a fixed period) in JD Enterprise One? Could you please suggest if any standard JDE module can be used as basis?
  4. Accounts Payable Reports - Net Due Date with Payment Date

    Hi, Is there any standard report/view/table that gives me the net due date and payment date for each AP invoice ?
  5. Reg. Year Start Setup for JDE Financials

    Hi, I have a basic question. Is there any setup activity that i am missing for the new year start process in JDE Financials ? Activity: ===== 1. Fiscal date pattern Setup 2. Work day calendar Setup 3. Next Number Setup 4. Cost object reports setup
  6. JDE Finance Certification

    Can you please help me to find any certification material for JDE Finance ?