JDELIST 20 year anniversary

Eric and the Administrators (aka The Band),

I'll come back for this!

Congratulations on a huge accomplishment!

JDEList would not be the highly valuable resource it is if it wasn't for all the contributors who asked questions, gave answers or both. So congratulations to us all!
Eric and the Administrators (aka The Band),

I'll come back for this!

Congratulations on a huge accomplishment!

JDEList would not be the highly valuable resource it is if it wasn't for all the contributors who asked questions, gave answers or both. So congratulations to us all!
Thank you Peter !
Hey folks. Thanks to everyone for contributing to JDELIST over the last two decades. Whether you posted 1 or 1000 times, you helped this community grow and thrive!

I want to give a big shoutout to Christian Audet who has moderated this forum for many, many years -- how long? -- 15 years???. Thanks Christian!
Another big shoutout to our legendary posters who have been the core of this forum for so long - geez guys- over a 1000 posts! You guys / gals are awesome! Speaking of legendary posters, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Zoltan, our top poster. I dont know why Zoltan left JDELIST but we miss him -- he was really somehing -- kind, polite, sincere, and brilliant! He helped so many people!

JDELIST survives because of its advertisers. Thanks to Alex with EVEREST and Jennifer from AELLIUS for supporting us for so long. JDETIPS has recently returned but Andy supported JDELIST for a long time back in the day.

JDELIST has seen many competitors, a merger and a potential lawsuit come and go. It is a miracle that this coummunity has survived. This community originally started out as a mailing list. It lived on a PC under my desk. The PC had to be constantly monitored because the phone line flaked all the time (remember line noise?) and I had to manually catch the spammers by reading every post that came in. My wife was thrilled (sarcasm) that the PC came with us whenever we went on vacation. She was evern more thrilled when I mistakenly connected to an out of zone phone number for hours (read, HUGE PHONE BILL)!. She enthusiasticlly encouraged the creation of an online, outsourced forum!

Anyway, it's been a long journey. Thanks for listening, everyone! You are all the greatest!

Eric Kempter
Wow! Time flys! Were you following JDELIST when it was just a mailing list???
I missed this thread when it came around but wanted to share some history and memories.

I was working for JD Edwards at the time I became aware of the JDEList mailing list, and JD Edwards became aware of JDEList. We were told in no uncertain terms that JD Edwards employees were not to participate, as it may have an adverse effect on consulting revenues. That's a fair business decision...that I promptly ignored and joined JDEList on November 5, 2000. I knew better than to use my real name and glanced down at the book I was reading, Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov", and decided on my incognito username. At some point, after I left JD Edwards/PeopleSoft, I added my real name to my sig.

Fun times on here.

Sorry Ed.
Hey there. JDELIST is now 21! In the early days, every JDE consultant and tech support was on JDELIST using aliases. There were a lot at the time. Eventually, JDE threatened to sue JDELIST for trademark infringement. Only problem was that JDE wasn't a registered trademark. I wrote a letter to Mcvanney asking if he would be going after the many other sites that used JDE in their name. I also mentioned that we didn't make any revenue. This was before we took ads. We came to terms by adding verbiage indicating that we weren't affiliated to JDE and we told them that we would not attempt to register JDE. I told their lawyer that we didn't use JDE anyway. If you look at the logo carefully, the name is actually. JD EList.

I missed this thread when it came around but wanted to share some history and memories.

I was working for JD Edwards at the time I became aware of the JDEList mailing list, and JD Edwards became aware of JDEList. We were told in no uncertain terms that JD Edwards employees were not to participate, as it may have an adverse effect on consulting revenues. That's a fair business decision...that I promptly ignored and joined JDEList on November 5, 2000. I knew better than to use my real name and glanced down at the book I was reading, Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov", and decided on my incognito username. At some point, after I left JD Edwards/PeopleSoft, I added my real name to my sig.

Fun times on here.

Sorry Ed.
I know what you mean about using your real name because I am and it got me into hot water a few times when I was responding to people online something my company had said the opposite to our customer :cool:

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