
  1. E9.2 Freeze Fence - Best Practices for Non-Manufactured Goods

    What are the best practices when setting "Freeze Fence" values for non-manufactured goods (e.g. raw materials and purchased finished goods) [that will have OP messages)? Should these be set relative to the respective lead times for the items? Should I just use a constant value across the board...
  2. E9.1 No Planned WOs for all the Planning Horizon

    Hello there, I have an issue with MFG Planning for finished goods. We are running multi-plant (R3483) and I noticed I don't get Planned WO messages for the entire planning horizon, if I run MRP today (09/22/2023) it shows Planned WO messages until JAN 2024, then none for the rest of 2024 where...
  3. MPS/MRP - process by Sell by Date

    Have a client that is utilizing Lot Expiration, but that date is really only for the customer. Once a product pasts its Sell by Date, it goes on Lot Hold and is unavailable. This is fine and is working perfectly, the issue is that they want the system to create messages by the Sell by Date vs...
  4. B3401360 - Process MPS Messages question

    Good day all! I am working on some functionality where I need to get and some work on the generated Work order created from an MRP message processed by the R3411. In order to get the WO, I am doing the following: 1. Create a MRP/MPS record in the F3411 - DONE 2. Modify the R3411 to do an...