E9.2 Printing on Zebra from orchestrator




Is there any way to print to a Zebra printer from the orchestrator? Currently, we require users to be able to print labels on this type of printer.
If you have software such as loftware you can create a drop folder where you deposit structured text files, and it will print labels as files are dropped. That's me speaking from my own experience. At that point it's a matter of dropping a text file on a network location using scripting.

I wondered if it wouldn't be possible to print direct from an orch scripting step. I think encoding the zpl might require a particular library installed via java, here's what I found on a google search https://github.com/w3blogfr/zebra-zpl there's all sorts of other things to figure out, for one that the zebra printer be network-enabled, accessible by your orch server, etc. Lots of fun :)
I did reports with BIPublisher with the same labels tags, we configured in P986110 the printer output, and we configurated Zebra in enterprise linux with CUPS to sent to printer.