Voucher Matcher - P4314 - Adding a Line


Dear All,

We're currently doing 3 way voucher matching using P4314 (our vouchers are logged & posted before hand) and am getting an error message when trying to add a new line at the same time as matching stock receipt lines ( error is 2375 - Data cannot be changed if posted or paid ).

ie Voucher has 2 lines on it, one for a stock item at £100 ( that we have already received ) and a second non stock service charge at £50 ( not received as not stock and not recorded on original PO). On P4314 stock receipt of £100 is marked to match and on a blank line we are inputting the G/L account and the £50.

Am I missing something fundamental? the action of adding a line during the match process is new for us and I'm sure the setup is ok ( P4314 processing options & line type config ).

I spoke to the Peoplesoft helpdesk and was told yep you can't do it if the voucher is posted, also searched Peoplesoft website and the archives on JDEList but am still stumped.

Any input appreciated.


World 7.3 Cum11 / iSeries V5R2
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