E9.1 No Planned WOs for all the Planning Horizon


Hello there,
I have an issue with MFG Planning for finished goods. We are running multi-plant (R3483) and I noticed I don't get Planned WO messages for the entire planning horizon, if I run MRP today (09/22/2023) it shows Planned WO messages until JAN 2024, then none for the rest of 2024 where I do have forecast in all months. I don't have any firm Sales order after Sept 2024.

My Sku planning parameters look like this:
  • Order policy =1 Lot by lot
  • Planning code = 3 MRP with forecast
  • PFC = C (Customer demand | > Cust Demand or Fcst)
  • Planning fence= 15
  • Freeze fence = 5
  • M Disp. fence = 120
In R3483 I'm doing gross generation, MRP with or without MPS, planning horizon is 28,10,12
Forecast type = J1, this is what I have for all 2024
I do have MFG items with forecast consumption too, so the processing option is turned on. (1 = use forecast consumption)

So I don't know why I cant have Planned WO messages for all 2024 even if I have Forecast. I also reviewed the F3411 table and nothing is there.

Any advise is appreciated.

JDE E1 9.1
Try changing the Message Display Fence from 120 to 999, as you are now only seeing 120 days of messages from the day you run the R3483. If run today, you would only see planning messages out to January 20, 2024. Changing it to 999 will allow them to be displayed out to June 25, 2026 (IF your Shop Floor Calendar is out until 2026, as Don accurately pointed out).
Hi mariodz76, I always refer to the Time Series inquiry (P3413). It will show you what it thinks is happening with your Supply/Demand in 2024. It will show in the EA and PLO rows if it thinks you need more Supply or not. As suggested the software will only show messages for your message display fence, but the PLO row will show if orders are required up to the end of your planning horizon.
Thanks Arthart and Craig for your inputs. I made what you suggested but got the same results.
I think the Forecast Consumption buckets (P3405) are creating some noise for the PLOs. My client wants to have weekly forecast consumption, and I found they had all the buckets defined as "FC". According to Oracle you need to set up Forecast Consumption end periods as "FC" and can define weekly periods as "TS". I did it this way and now it MRP shows PLOs for the entire 2024.

Does this change in forecast consumption buckets makes any sense to you ?

