
  1. DavidR

    E9.1 Is 60 in last 2 digits of TDAY values correct?

    Hello everyone. We have encounter recently that TDAY values can have more than 59 in the last 2 digits, ex. 103060 or 103061, we thought that it must be 103100 after reaching 59... is it posible? someone else has seen this case before?
  2. sbrown

    Upmt or tday conversion sql

    I have come up with a way to convert the jde time stamp in sql. Concat(concat(concat( case when length(qpupmt)=6 and substr(qpupmt,1,2) between '13' and '24' then to_number(substr(qpupmt,1,2))-12 else case when length(qpupmt)=6 and substr(qpupmt,1,2) between '10' and '12' then...
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