Using buisness function B4000520....


Hi All,

I am not able to convert the quantity using the business function B4000520.

Following are the parameters i am passing....

F4111.MCU-> Branch Plant
F4111.TRUM -> From Unit of Measure
F4101.UOM1 -> To Unit of Measure
F4101.ITM -> Quantity to Convert
VA_CONV -> Conversion Factor From to Pri (Fetched from F41002)
VA_TRQT <- Quantity Converted to Pri

Rest of the parameters are undefined.
The output VA_TRQT is zero.

Please let me know what are the correct parameters to pass.
I think you've either mis-typed your qty-to-convert parameter or are using the wrong value. You are showing that you're passing your F4101.ITM value into the qty-to-convert parm...that is obviously not correct.

Also, you MUST pass the ITM value into the ShortItem parameter of the bsfn.

I question your need to fetch to F41002 to get the conversion factor...not necessary as this business function is intended to do all that for you. It will return that value for you. You do not need to pass it.

One other thing: I would just use the QtyconvertedFromtoTo parameter as your result unless you always know you will be converting to primary. Just my preference.

Can you do two things.
1. Formate the MCU.
2. Pass the parameters form F4111. Qty also pass the TRQT frome F4111.
you will get the out put.


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