R03B525- Late payment calculation(from which table interest value is taken)


In JDE a report R03B525 wil calculate late payments, for that late payments is the interest rate
table driven or hardcoded. If interest rate is table driven from which table the value is taken?

Thanks in advance!
AR Interest

You should be able to find the interest rate in F03B27 is they have been set-up.
Can you tell me from which column late payment interest rate is taken in F03b27, i see RETF and COPN columns having values as 1 which is same as JDE interest rate . Is it the interest rate column for late payment?
And also can you please tell how can we know the impacted tables for a report?
The interest rate is ANPR. The other fields determine what the minimum amounts and days past due. Everything is linked to a Delinquency Policy.
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