Pro-Actively Identifying Spec Corruption?


Legendary Poster

We've all had it happen to us (at least, anyone that does a lot of development)... You check-in an object, have the package built - and find out that 'the magical magician from Oz' has cast a nasty spell over your specs, and the only word left to define them is... Corrupted? OK - we have other words, but that's a "safe" word.

There isn't, usually, anything that tells us a spec is corrupt, till we have to investigate one of those issues list items - that simply says "Report X is Broke" and provides no details.

With all the assumptions, cursing and other nudderling garbles aside - Does Anyone have a Tried and Proven method for Identifying Spec Corruption "Pro-Actively".... I mean, catching the Spec Corruption BEFORE the User does?

Looking through the KG - there's lots of proof that it happens, lots of suggestions on how to fix it - but I can't find anything that actually tells us how to Pro-Actively identify it? I want something, like - "Give Me a Smelly Report that Lists all the Broken or Suspect Corruptions - Before the Spec Gets Promoted to Production!"

I think a good name for the report would be: R99EndMyLife, or something similar....

So - anyone got a process, program or hints that will help identify spec corruption?


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