OSA/PDF RT Parser Combining Rows in a Financial Reports, but only sometimes.


So we have created a bunch of financial row reports. They have a constant row and then a data row right below it....so it would look something like this:

VMI Revenue:
Jupiter Enterprises $3,420 $275,014 $142,177

OSA Parser builds the container like this:

VMI Revenue: Jupiter Enterprises $3,420 $275,014 $142,177

Funny thing is, it works most of the time, but the ones that it combines is very consistent. Anyone ever run into this. Bottomline support is struggling.

Thank you in advance.

Sorry for getting so late on this, was not checking the forum

In our company we give support for development, training and instaklation for Bottomline Transform. if you are interested in moving forward, please write me to [email protected]

Carlos lorenzo
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