E9.2 Orchestration schedule run After orchestration in deleted


Hello everyone,

I make an orchestration and a scheduling associated to the orch. After that I have activated the schedule from the scheduler control panel in the Orchestrator studio. So, I have deleted the orchestration and the scheduling, without deactive It from the control panel. In this way I have a recurrent error of "endpoint not found" in P980060. How can I deactive the schedulation?

Ooh i see this issue too. I'll poke around on it as well but following here
This is only speculation on my part, but have you tried restarting the AIS scheduler? If the job is still running in memory, bouncing the AIS scheduler should clear it. You can stop and start the scheduler using a REST API connector and calling the following services /jderest/v2/scheduler/stopScheduler and /jderest/v2/scheduler/startScheduler.
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