JDE Financial Row Reports 9.1


Hello There

In XE Client design financial row report with 10 columns, of which 8 are smart fields.

They created Data Row for above 10 rows by using Row Option Create Data Row.

In event rules under "After Last Object Printed" event they are inserting records into workfile for later processing.

Workfile MCU = TC DataRow - Business Unit (F0901)
Workfile OBJ = TC DataRow - Object Acct (F0901)
Workfile SUB = TC DataRow - Sub Acct (F0901)
Workfile AN01 = TC DataRow - AmtLyr ( This is nothing but Smartfield)
.....and so on ................
In XE it is working fine. After we port object to 9.1 it doesn't work anymore all "TC DataRow - " values coming out as blanks.

Any idea or suggestions ??

- SC
E9.1 Oracle DB
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