Has anyone used the Yahoo URL BSFN with business data?


Well Known Member
I don't have any business case for this yet but I've been playing around with B90CB030 in Enterpriseone 9.1. It basically takes a series of address fields and constructs a URL to send to a Yahoo mapping service.

I was thinking of linking CSMS (Case management) address data to it to tell users where the location of the call is.

Has anyone tried this before? How accurate is Yahoo maps (Vs Google, Bing)? - Any licensing concerns?

I've looked at Google's instructions for similiar functionality and it also seems to work pretty well but I have licensing concerns.

I have this setup in production. I was asking myself the same licensing question originally. so I just used what was in the system for that reason. I have a click-able yahoo image in the application, I put the logo in the xx910/RES directory and the package picks it up.

OPT: Using Defaults

Yahoo Web Agent
VA evt_YahooMapsURL <- BF szYahooMapsURL
FC Address Line 1 -> BF szAddressLine1
FC Address Line 2 -> BF szAddressLine2
FC Address Line 3 -> BF szAddressLine3
FC Address Line 4 -> BF szAddressLine4
FC City -> BF szCity
FC State -> BF szState
FC Zip Code -> BF szZipCodePostal
FC Country -> BF szCountry
I have a google search setup on the address book also with the same logic.

EVENT: Button Clicked

Replace Character in String
<Zero> X BF mnNumberOfReplacedCharacter
FC Alpha Name -> BF szInputString
VA evt_TempNameMailing <- BF szOutputString
"&" -> BF cReplCharOld
<Blank> -> BF cReplCharNew

VA evt_googleURL = concat("http://www.google.com/search?as_q=",[VA evt_TempNameMailing])
VA evt_googleURL = concat([VA evt_googleURL],"&hl=en&num=20")
Go to Url(VA evt_googleURL)
It seems pretty accurate to me.
Ireland doesn't have post codes yet but it's close enough
I've used several old UK addresses of mine and it's been spot on to the letter.
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