N/A error in json data


I need to iterate the data in this json code, I tried with a listhashmap but it gives me error. How can I solve it?
This is the code:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import java.util.List
import java.util.HashMap
import com.oracle.e1.common.OrchestrationAttributes

String main(OrchestrationAttributes orchAttr, String input) {

def jsonMap = new JsonSlurper().parseText(input)

// Estrai l'array "latestRates" dal JSON
def jsonArray = jsonMap.latestRates

// Converte l'array JSON in una lista di HashMap
List<HashMap<String, Object>> dataList = []

jsonArray.each { item ->
// Controlla se l'elemento è una mappa
if (item instanceof Map) {
def itemMap = [:] // Crea una nuova mappa per ciascun elemento JSON

// Copia i campi dell'elemento JSON nella mappa
item.each { key, value ->
itemMap[key] = value // Usa il metodo put() per aggiungere i campi

// Aggiungi la mappa alla lista

return dataList;

and this is the error:

JSONException A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 1 of [{country=AFGHANISTAN, currency=Afghani, isoCode=AFN, uicCode=115, eurRate=83.9676, usdRate=78.8650, usdExchangeConvention=Quantita' di valuta estera per 1 Dollaro, usdExchangeConventionCode=C, referenceDate=2023-09-22}
This one is thankfully easy, the string being passed into (i assume) the jsonSlurper line is not valid JSON. Valid JSON always starts with and ends with a curly bracket {}, has matching open and close curly and square brackets, commas between elements, etc..

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Kevin Long
Kevin Long
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