E9.2 E1 on as400 changes, decimal separator


hi every one:

I have JDE E1 9.2 on AS400, and I have an error where jde tries to insert or update some table. Example: UPDATE CRPDTA/F41021 SET LIPBCK=0,000000,LIOT1P=0,000000,LIOT2P=0,000000,LIHCOM=0,000000,LIPCOM=2100000000100000100000,000000,LIFCOM=0,000000,LIJOBN='ERPJDE92',LIPID='TP4210',LIUPMJ=123179,LIUSER='EAVILAS',LITDAY=141917,000000,LIHCMS=0,000000,LISCMS=0,000000 WHERE CURRENT OF Crsr154 .

the user has been configurated to use "." (dot) as decimal separator, but the sql sentence that jde builds is using ",", what's wrong?, why JDE is building sencence with "," instean of ","?
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