
  1. Parsing XML File

    Hello Guys, I have a requirement of parsing an XML File and using the same to update values in the JD custom Table. I have gone through the documentation but unable to find a function to get element value Has anyone used the above scenario. Harsh
  2. Mike Mackinnon

    Dynamic Font Changes in Word Template

    I am not an XML programmer so I am not sure of the syntax or even if this can be done but I am trying to resize a BI Publisher property dynamically according to a condition of another field. This is somewhat related to my other issue I had with trying to fit an attachment into a single page...
  3. Mike Mackinnon

    BI Publisher - Formatting Within JDE Attachments

    I think I know the answer to this question already but I am going to ask anyway :) I have a BI Publisher report that is working fine. The problem is that I have part of the report that is including an attachment (media object) from the JD Edwards record. I am having a problem 'keeping' the...
  4. Inbound XML File into JDE

    Hi All, Would like to know if there is a business function that could inbound xml data into JDE. If there is, appreciate if someone could share what parameters to be passed into the business function. Besides that if there's any other suggestion of a way to inbound xml into JDE please share...
  5. Inbound XML File into JDE

    Hi All Recently I am trying to Inbound an XML file into JDE. I came across a business function B74XML01 - XML Write To Z-File G74 but i do not know how it works and what parameters to be passed in. Appreciate if anyone could share with me the parameters to be passed into B74XML01 - XML Write...
  6. BI Publisher A9.2 World - XML Formatting

    Hi List, Trying to get xml formatted correctly for a BI publisher template, using the BI publisher tool for World A9.2. I'm having trouble getting certain elements to be child elements. For example, in the attached text file (had to upload the xml as a text file) fields <Detail1_DTL2> should...
  7. Exporting Version Data Selection for Comparison

    Howdy, In 9.x, we have the BSFN B01RS056 - which allows us to export a version's Data Selection. It has it limitations, mostly in parameter sizing and abandoned logic (limiting the DS String to 95 characters does not catch those 300 MCUs in the "list"). The function appears to export the...
  8. Can we add attribute to the report name in the XML generated by BI Publisher?

    Hi All, The root element of the XML generated by JDE is the Object name itself. For Example <R5942565A> Is there an option to add an attribute(type = "Invoice") to the root element. For Example <R5942565A type ="Invoice"> <R5942565B type ="Invoice"> <R5942565C type ="Invoice"> <R5942565D type...
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