e1 pages

  1. AdemDr

    E1 Page Generator

    Hello 👋 , Please Checkout my pre-release E1 Page Generator GUI . ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Pre-release 0.0.1
  2. How to call a E1 Pages from other E1 Pages

    Hi all , Has any one know a way to call from a flow or E1 Pages other flow (other E1 Pages) For example If I have a E1 Pages defined like this: A--->B-, | C-'->D Then I click on "D" and open other flow/E1 Page F--->G--->H--->I Thanks.
  3. How to call a E1 Page from other E1 Pages

    Does anyone know how to call or open one E1 Pages from other one? Or if you can create a link to open a E1 Pages from other E1 Pages? Thanks
  4. tatscub

    E1 Pages Error "Versions with Client marked as 'Client Only' cannot be submitted

    E1 Pages Error "Versions with Client marked as 'Client Only' cannot be submitted Hello there , I have a second e1 pages error I am encountering and would very definatly appreciate any help from more experienced E1Pages veterans out there . I am trying to get a UBE to prompt...
  5. tatscub

    E1 Pages acess external web site

    Hi all, I'm currently working on a project using E1 Pages and in the main I have found them very quick and easy to work with how ever one of my requirements is to embed an external website . its not to tricky to do that in the HTML im using the following (just using google as an example...
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